3rd Int (A)
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This picture was taken in 1970 for  Intermediate 3/Class A


1. Easa Abdul Razaq Bastaki
2. Ashraf Ezzat
3. Mohammed Mahmoud Rashid
4. Mohammed Mahmoud Al Shaish
5. Ahmed Aqeel Al Banna
6. Ziad Al-Sabouni
7. Ahmed Bin Bayat
8. Tariq Khansaheb
9. Hisham A Kader
10.Ali Al-Mosourai
11.Khamis Thani
12.Sultan Dhahi
13.Obaid Abdulkarim
14.Ismail Noor Talib
15.Mohammed Ahmed Al-Fahd
16.Jasem Jawad Al Redha
17.Mohammed Saeed Al-Shamsi
18.Ahmed Al-Hawway
19.Jassim Habib Al Khalsan
20.Khaled Jasem Bin Kalban
21.Mahmoud Al Rais
22.Abdul Jaleel Abdul Razaq
23.Ebrahim Allaan
24.Hassan Mirza Al Redhi
25.Farid Hussein A Nabi
26.Fouad Bookhash
27.AbdulRahman Thani
28.Iqbal Khoory
29.Juma Al Bawardi
30.Ahmed A Rahman Al-Janahi
31.Abdul Karim
33.Ahmed Bader Al-Bodour
34.Mussabbeh Sultan
35.Mohammed Majid Bin Thaniya
36.Mohammed Salim Al-Mazrouei

If you can identify the students  in the above picture whose names are not listed please send an e-mail stating the number and the name to: [ e-mail ]

If you require further information, please call
mobile: 625 8900
Farid Mohammed Ahmed

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